GMDBC Officers' Duties

Duties of the President:

The GMDBC President shall:
1. Preside at the General Membership meetings and the Captains/Board meetings.
2. Be aware of the GMDBC's recreational and business activities in conjunction with Board members.
3. Represent the GMDBC where appropriate.
4. Cast an additional vote to break a tie vote on any action by the Board.
5. Serve as one of the Board members who may sign GMDBC checks or drafts.
6. Maintain a notebook of the President's duties and functions to be turned over to the succeeding President.
The President of GMDBC or other designated officer shall attend the Southeast Region Dragon Boat Association (SRDBA) Annual General Meeting. Travel expenses shall be
reimbursed by GMDBC.
The President of GMDBC or other designated officer shall serve as the single point of contact between the GMDBC and the Villages Recreation Department (VRD), as required by VRD.
The President sf GMDBC or other designated officer shall serve as the single point of contact between the GMDBC and the Sumter County Commissioners in regards to Lake Miona.

Duties of Vice President:

The Vice President shall:
1. Assume the responsibilities of the President in the absence or inability of the President to fulfill the responsibilities of the office.
2. Support the President in all activities to promote the mission of GMDBC.
3. Assist in developing programs and activities for the GMDBC and perform all duties requested by the President.
4. Oversee and communicate with club volunteer position coordinators.
5. With the Secretary, tally results from all voting activities.
6. Collect safety forms from Team Captains on quarterly basis and tum forms in to GMDBC President.
7. Maintain a notebook of duties and responsibilities of the Vice President to be turned over to the succeeding Vice President.
8. Serve as one of the Board members who may sign GMDBC checks or drafts.

Duties of Secretary:

The Secretary shall:
1. Record the minutes of all meetings of the Board and General Membership and upload those minutes to the Club website.
2. Along with the Vice President, tally results from all voting activities.

3. Ensure that all topics discussed and decisions agreed upon are accurately reflected in the official minutes and are posted to thd GMDBC's website for review.
4. Schedule and maintain permits for GMDBC meetings.
5. Be responsible for maintaining the club's corporate status with the state of Florida.
6. Maintain the membership notebook.
7. Submit signed Villages waiver's to the VRD.
8. Mail completed United States Dragon Boat Federation {USDBF} insurance forms to the insurance agency.
9. Take attendance at meetings.
10. Maintain a notebook for duties and responsibilities to be turned over to succeeding Secretary.
11. Post updated forms for members on the GMDBC website by December 1, or as soon as the forms are available.
12. Serve as one of the Board members who may sign GMDBC checks or drafts.

Duties of Treasurer:

The Treasurer shall:
1. Maintain custody of all GMDBC funds and financial records.
2. Keep accurate and current financial records for GMDBC.
3. Collect, record, and deposit all funds corning into GMDBC.
4. Pay all approved bills in a timely manner and record all payments.
5. Prepare a monthly treasurer's report for the General Membership meeting.
6. Make sure all financial records are current and available to all officers and members of GMDBC.
7. Conduct semiannual budget reviews.
8. Calculate and distribute team refunds based on fair share contributions if the Board determines there are excess funds in the GMDBC treasury.
9. Assist the Board in developing an annual budget.
10. Ensure proper documentation and audit trail for all financial transactions.
11. Treasurer's records shall be reviewed annually by a qualified person.
12. Distribute forms for completing the GMDBC's tax return.
13. Maintain a notebook of duties and responsibilities of the Treasurer to be turned over to the succeeding Treasurer.
14.Serve as one of the Board members who may sign GMDBC checks or drafts.
15. Complete the Southeast Region Dragon Boat Association {SRDBA} membership form every December.
16. Pay the USDBF insurance premium every December.